Informed consent
Based on Law 23 of 1981, known as the Medical Ethics Law, which establishes the general principle that no doctor will intervene clinically or surgically on a patient without obtaining their prior authorization. Los Cobos Medical Center with the purpose of guaranteeing the patient's right to information, through this document warns about the benefits and risks of the treatments to be performed.
I declare:
That I have been truthful in all the information provided to the doctor, I have not kept silent about my health and I had all the tests requested by the doctor.
The proposed procedure may be modified in the event that a diagnosis different from the previous one is made, at the time of the medical activity.
I declare that I have been adequately informed about the procedure(s) that will be performed on me.
Telemedicine consists of providing care to the patient's health needs remotely, that is, who provides or delivers the service and who receives it are not in person in the same place. In the regulations of the Ministry of Health it is defined as: "the provision of remote health services in the components of promotion, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation, by health professionals who use information and communication technologies, which They allow them to exchange data with the purpose of facilitating access and opportunity in the provision of services to the population that has limitations in supply, access to services or both in their geographic area.
These are the concepts, topics and procedures involved in Telemedicine in Colombia that can be provided:
Interactive Telemedicine: It takes place in real time
Non-interactive telemedicine: It is done remotely, but not in real time, mainly by sending test results or reading the results
Teleexpertise: It is the consultation of experts who advise
Telemonitoring: In this case, technology is used (for example, a pacemaker, a watch, a respiratory monitoring system, etc.)
Teleorientation in health: Through technological means, the user is given information, counseling and advice on health issues.
The telemedicine care process at Los Cobos Medical Center has three (3) moments, one before, one during and one after:
Before care:
You will receive a message asking you to authorize the telemedicine procedure, which will have this informed consent attached, in addition to the processing of your personal data, and the costs involved, which are those stipulated by the health care plan of each user.
Then you will receive another message with the date and time (if it is in real time), scheduled for the telemedicine procedure with detailed preparation instructions. The message includes the identification data of the professional and the reason for such attention
Minutes before face-to-face or interactive sessions, test the necessary technology
Locate yourself in a private place, where you will not be interrupted
Write down all the doubts, the physical and emotional signs and symptoms, questions, fears or topics that you want to discuss with the professional who will assist you. Have a pen and paper handy to take notes.
During care, whether in real time or not, comply with the following:
Make sure you have read all of the advance instructions. Preferably have a companion, of legal age and in good health, who provides important information to the health professional, who supports him, takes notes and once the care is finished, helps him remember, review and understand the topics discussed and instructions.
Have your health information on hand, available by your side: exams, a copy of the summary and recent medical history, the medications you are taking, instruments for taking signs and data (thermometer, scale, blood pressure monitor, glucose meter, etc. ) if relevant, devices or other apparatus (oxygen, breath control, prosthetics etc.) that you are using, if you have been asked to record data such as your temperature or pulse etc., have that information.
Connect, call, answer the call, open the application or the way you have been told that care will be provided by telemedicine.
The health professional or remote system will ask you to confirm your identification data and will describe how the telemedicine care will be carried out.
Remember that real-time contact has a limited time
The health professional or remote system will guide the process step by step
As when you have a face-to-face consultation, you will receive instructions and recommendations, concepts and opinions from the professional that we suggest you write down.
Only the patient who consented to the procedure and whose data was previously confirmed will be treated. Health is an individual matter
After telemedicine care
The professional in charge, with the support of the technological system involved in telemedicine care, will generate a report, enter the care information into your clinical history and, if pertinent, send you the indications, medication formulas, orders for tests or other follow-up consultations or with other specialists, just as when it is done in person, information that will later come to your power, in the time and presentation that has been indicated.
Telemedicine health care is indicated to provide remote health services that can be health promotion, that is, the way of caring for health and healthy habits, disease prevention, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and palliation ( care for the purpose of relieving signs and symptoms of a condition). On the other hand, they are indicated taking into consideration the convenience for the patient in terms of safe care and when social, economic, public health conditions and the environment in general make face-to-face care difficult and, on the other hand, those same conditions including technology, favor remote care, due to the availability and democratization of the means to carry it out, such as smart cell phones and other devices, the internet infrastructure and telecommunications networks, which currently exist in the country.
Health care through telemedicine has a positive impact on health, by allowing greater coverage, information management without limitations of schedules or physical infrastructure.
In special conditions that require isolation or limit mobility, it is the alternative to not interrupt the provision of health services that are possible by this means.
We have well-structured and functional information systems such as clinical history, laboratory tests, results, diagnostic images, as well as communication with insurers and other entities involved in the before, during and after telemedicine care.
Los Cobos Medical Center has professionals highly committed to the well-being of patients, professionalism and human quality that guarantees that in the event of any change in health conditions identified during this care modality, they will immediately indicate you to attend a priority or emergency consultation.
It seeks to improve access to care, overcoming geographical, climate or transportation difficulties, even economic ones when there are no resources to travel and interrupt activity for long hours and the costs that this implies.
On the other hand, on many occasions it improves the ability to solve, make decisions and give answers or indications, ensuring the continuity of health care processes and positively impacting the quality of clinical care by allowing some elements to be included in the planning. that can be controlled or adjusted with some flexibility, elements that in face-to-face situations would not be possible to manage with the same opportunity.
These telemedicine care processes imply a total commitment of those involved, Los Cobos Medical Center and its allies on the one hand and the patient and family on the other. If any of the above fails to fulfill the role that corresponds to it, it will compromise the success in achieving the objectives. Although LCMC takes all precautions and actions so that all its collaborators, associates, providers, related and in the provision of detailed information to the patient and family, in general and resources and procedures, adequately comply, the following risks may occur:
The transmission of information could be altered, distorted or suspended due to technical failures associated with connectivity conditions such as the availability of electricity, battery, internet, data plans, the technology of connection devices (smartphones, tablets, computers, etc.). etc.), information management technology (databases, information security systems, etc.), which could cause delays in care or even the inability to carry out scheduled care.
Care in the telemedicine modality may not be as complete and accurate as face-to-face services because it is not possible to perform a physical exam or take the patient's vital signs directly.
It is possible that the information transmitted by the user is not enough for the health professional to give a concept
In rare cases, security protocols may fail, which may result in a loss of personal information, making it necessary to recover or regenerate it. It is very rare in our context that it occurs, but there are possibilities of cyber attacks or interference in the technologies used.
Occasionally, there may be delays in service due to deficiencies, failures in connectivity or in the equipment and systems for storage and retrieval of institutional information or that of other entities.
Non-compliance by any of the actors involved in the care regarding the performance of any activity, the suspension of access to any resource, the issuance of a concept or response. The health professional in charge of care may have last-minute mishaps or impediments that do not allow a replacement to be found in a short time, making it necessary to reschedule care.
Regarding your active role as a patient and that of your family in telemedicine care, non-compliance with the instructions given regarding:
a) the information and supplies related to your health that you must have during connectivity b) adequate connectivity conditions (cellular, data plan, Internet connection, battery, etc.), c) compliance with environmental privacy conditions and easy communication, without noise or interference, private, with only you and one (1)
companion d) take the measures to guarantee the confidentiality and privacy of the information that will be shared before, during and after telemedicine care, passwords, links, devices without security, etc.
Not taking note of relevant information during face-to-face telemedicine care or not asking as many times as necessary to clear up doubts about the information given to you by Los Cobos Medical Center, before, during and after telemedicine care.
Not informing Los Cobos Medical Center of the non-receipt of communications or information that has been announced, before, during and after the telemedicine care process.
Failure to comply with the instructions given during face-to-face telemedicine care or in another modality by the patient and family, such as subsequent appointments, medications, therapies, consultation with other specialists, etc.
Non-acceptance of our Personal Data Processing Policy, which is what allows us to contact you and send you information about tests and exam results, etc.
The delivery of information or the non-updating of the same in such a way that it is: incorrect, incomplete, obsolete (telephone number, mail, that you no longer use) or of other people who do not allow direct contact with the patient and the family that surrounds him permanently.
The alternative is face-to-face care, which is traditionally provided, where the patient and the health professional or health service provider (images, laboratory results, tests, etc.) are present in the same place. This modality is seriously limited by regulations and conditions that limit the mobility and circulation of people and by environmental conditions that put the health of the patient, the family and the health professional at risk, as in the 2020 emergency and that require some special conditions of infrastructure, resources and behavior that make it slower and even unavailable.
If you do not accept telemedicine care, according to your specific health need, there may be delays in making a diagnosis, continuing treatment or, in general, difficulties associated with not having the information you only need. a health professional can tell you about your condition. Sometimes time in addressing a health situation is essential to have better results. On the other hand, if you are already immersed in a care process for a health condition, interrupting it may cause it not to have the expected effect and you must start the process again or preventable complications may arise.
"I certify that this document has been read to me and I have understood it in its entirety. That the nature and purposes of performing the procedure have been explained to me, and I have also been informed of the advantages, complications, inconveniences, possible alternatives and risks. Having understood the meaning of the procedure and the risks inherent in it, I also state that the questions I have asked have been answered by understandable explanations on the issues or topics of interest to me, and that all blank spaces have been completed before my signature and that I am able to express my free will.
I have received clear instructions in the sense that the consent that I grant through this document can be revised or left without effect by the simple decision of the undersigned made before the intervention and also expressed in writing.